excited?!? lol i'd be excited with that mark! preeety good i reckon! congrats.
only one person in our grade got full marks for her artwork.
i reckon the non-understandable art is better than the plain obvious one 'cause its open for interpretation.. but if the BOS asks for diaries, i spose it is pretty "special" heheh. did you send a statement with your work?
whoa ur friend is freaky! that's like this chic in our school too, except she doesnt get 100 in every assessment, her lowest is like 99% tho! i wanna be that smart!! what school do u go to?
i've got a week to study art as well, 8 days actually. i haven't touched it and i reckon its HEAPS of time to study!
i'm doing architecture stuff, mainly modernism, bauhaus and post-modernism. i don't think i'll touch any 2-D stuff, we've mainly done architects like frank lloyd wrigt, gehry and seilder. how bout u?
good luck!!