He is a cool guy! I was like woah great accent haha.
Yeah, he was born in Egypt and studied there. I think he learnt English when he went to France, which is where he met his French wife and did some research. Then he came over here to do his PhD. Understandbly, his accent is very muddled English-Arabic-French mix.
We think he was freaked that we had read his book.
I haven't, is it good?
I'll need to read it this holidays for Old Kingdom next semester.
I hope I have him [if I get a good enough UAI lol!] You sound like me when it comes to Egypt, nothing is better!! My friend thinks Rome is like a billion times better I'm like.. kay. haha. Yeah we do 2 unit egypt aswell. It's all good but we're doing the same period 3 times!! we were hoping for the ramessides next term but no one is willing to like remember more stuff. Last term we did hatshepsut for personality, this term we did nk to the death of thut4, and next term for society study we're doing teh same period plus amen3.
So disappointing. Ramessides would have been awesome. ]:
Ramesside period is really fascinating, especially if you've done pre- and post-Amarna.
You see a huge shift in what their religion is, especially in terms of personal piety.
Dier el Medina is awesome if you look at it properly - especially if you're willing to look at the primary Hieratic texts, although its trumpet is blown more that Kahun, which is mean.
Your teachers do seemed to have made a good decision - if you did Ramesside Society and one of the periods, things can be a little disjointed, especially if your personality was Hatshepsut. Since the two Periods are joined to each other, you've got an excellent run-down New Kingdom Egypt, and should be very prepared for uni.