No news is unbiased. Anyone who thinks that you can ever find the perfect "unbiased" news is crazy. They don't even spout that objective crap in university courses anymore. Instead they use phrases such as "fair, balanced, accurate..." basically, try and eliminate as much bias as you can, but
Do you really want me to write up here about Bourdieu's theory of Habitus and field theory? But basically... how can a white middle class journalist write without some degree of bias on something like the Redfern riots or the Macquarie Fields riots. We can try, but no person can ever be truly objective. They can fool themselves in to thinking that they are, but that is all it is.
Have a look at the mainstream news lately.
Do you think that most reporters think Schapelle Corby is innocent or guilty?
Do you think most reporters agree with Amanda Vanstone and mandatory detention?
Do you think most reporters believe that detaining Cornelia Rau was excusable?
Do you think the media was pro-Latham or pro-Howard in the last election?
There is bias everywhere.
At least Crikey's bias is blatantly clear, and it is not trying to pretend it is unbiased.