i wanted to connect to TPG adsl. and i requested them to conenct me. today i got a letter saying
i am with Optus now, so that means i cant connect to TPG, whcih sucks alot i was looking farword to their plan.
would that be a problem with all other ADSL providers? that they cant give me ADSL due to be being with OPTUS?
or is it just TPG who cant do that.
btw Optus plans are so shit i just had a look. three times as slow , 20 dollars more a month and less GIg for unlimited. fucking gay piece of shit
"we regret to inform you that you are unable to proceed with your ADSL application.
Invalid or inactive service number could be due to any of the following reasons:
1. Non Tesltra Network - ADSL can not run over Optus Network.
i am with Optus now, so that means i cant connect to TPG, whcih sucks alot i was looking farword to their plan.
would that be a problem with all other ADSL providers? that they cant give me ADSL due to be being with OPTUS?
or is it just TPG who cant do that.
btw Optus plans are so shit i just had a look. three times as slow , 20 dollars more a month and less GIg for unlimited. fucking gay piece of shit