Hi all!
I am in my late 20's (and apparently that means I would be a 'mature age' student!) and contemplating doing an undergrad nursing course, most likely at Deakin, next year. It would be my second degree (I never used my first one and knew I hadn't found 'it' yet, have been floating along doing nothing much, casual jobs here and there while I thought about it...). I have a lot of nerves about it, I feel a bit old to go back to uni (which is stupid, I know) as well as a lot of pressure to be in a job already like most other people I know, but what can I say, I have finally worked out that this is what I really want! Anyone else thinking about applying? Any other mature age students out there? Just wondering who I might be studying with (if I am offered a spot)!
I am in my late 20's (and apparently that means I would be a 'mature age' student!) and contemplating doing an undergrad nursing course, most likely at Deakin, next year. It would be my second degree (I never used my first one and knew I hadn't found 'it' yet, have been floating along doing nothing much, casual jobs here and there while I thought about it...). I have a lot of nerves about it, I feel a bit old to go back to uni (which is stupid, I know) as well as a lot of pressure to be in a job already like most other people I know, but what can I say, I have finally worked out that this is what I really want! Anyone else thinking about applying? Any other mature age students out there? Just wondering who I might be studying with (if I am offered a spot)!