a quick overview of annuities:
whenever you see work out interest you use I=PRT.
If you see compound interest use: A=P(1+r)^n. Also be careful with compound interest and note whether its compounded annually, 6 monthly (half yearly) quarterly etc. with these you have to make your adjustments to the rate and time. e.g. half yearly you have to divide the rate by 2 and multiply the time by 2... so 6%pa compounded half yearly for 2 years would mean r=3% (6/2 = 3) and n=4 (i.e. there are four half years in 2 years).
If asked for flat rate in loan repayments: use I=PRT
If asked for reducible interest in loan repayments: find what the interest is, add this to the original principal and then subtract whatever you are paying off say $1000 per year. this will be your new principle to use in year 2. Repeat this process for however many years you need BUT make sure you always use the new principal
I hope this helps