bassqueen16 said:
lol thats k, yeah it is lauren becall, shes old school
ummm ghey, lol thanks tho... ANYONE ELSE WISH TO CONTRIBUTE, im very sad
lol love Lauren Bacall~!!!
Anyways.. I think sometimes you can feel it when you talk to them that they like you. For me, I just took a chance. Build up some confidence and tell yourself that whatever he says, you'll be able to handle it
Also, be straight forward when you're asking him out because most people (both men and women) aren't that good at reading between the lines.
Just remember that nothing he says is a reflection of you as a person and don't take it too personally if he rejects you (which I hope he doesn't). Of course, your ego might get bruised if he says no, but at least you gave it a shot.
I don't know, I guess my best advice would be: don't make a big deal out of it so that you won't scare him away forever...
Good luck~!