Assistance with Physics Research Task (1 Viewer)


Retired Member
Aug 31, 2007
:burn: Hey. With the Physics research task I currently have to complete, I need assistance with the following question:

Outline the main differences between the astronomical models of Ptolemy and the modern day. Assess the major developments in technology that have caused the greatest changes in our view of the heavens.

Also, I'm unsure about this dotpoint:
  • Identify data sources, and gather, process and analyse information to assess one of the models of the Universe developed from the time of Aristotle to the time of Newton to identify limitations placed on the development of the model by the technology available at the time.
Well we have to specifically research the work of Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler, and then, we have to describe how we evaluated the validity and assessed the reliability of our information. When we've typed up all our research, we have to answer exam response questions to the syllabus dotpoint BASED on the work of Brahe and Kepler. But I can't seem to find a specific model they both worked on together of Brahe and Kepler and any limitations...:(

Please post if you have ANY ideas or sources. Every single part of your assistance is greatly appreciated!


May 10, 2007
Sorry, I've got like 5 mins before I go out, but here's what I have.

Ptolemy's Model - 140 AD
Ptolemy modified Aristotle's geocentric model. More accurate observations of planetary motion directed this refinement. He developed a complex model based on concentric circles, which had the planets orbiting the Earth in not quite circular orbits with not quite constant speeds. He also used Hipparchus's idea of epicycles to explain the retrograde motion of the plannets.

Tycho Brahe - 1500s
Establisehd mathematical tables to predict the motion of the planets despite telescope not yet being invented. His model had the Sun orbiting a stationary Earth with the other planets orbiting the Sun. This was a compromise between the heliocentric and geocentric model.

Kepler - 1600s
Student of Brahe. Kepler published a model for the Universe on Copernicus's idea where the planets orbited the Sun, but not in circular orbits. Rather, he proposed the orbits were elliptical. The laws and the mathematics he developed to describe these orbits are still used today. Kepler's deliberations were not hampered by the lack of technological devices available to him, because his was a purely mathematical analysis of Brahe's data (ie, he stole Brahe's notes). :p

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