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ATAR usually required for a (combined) law degree??? Please answer!! (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jun 7, 2013
Hi everyone! :)
I would love to do something like a combined law and international studied degree, or maybe a law and media/communication degree - not fully sure, but I think I'd really enjoy law!! :) BUT realistically I expect an ATAR of about 75-90. My last report, my average of all the subjects I'm doing was 92%, while the gradewide combined average (I know these are dodgy measures) of all the subjects I was doing was 89% (but when I drop my worst subjects my grades should improve a bit. I go to a selective school. Anyway, just wondering what I should aim towards - if I get an atar of about 80, I couldn't get into a law degree right?
Please please reply!!! :D

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