Where does one buy a bandanna from? Also discuss how wearing bandannas makes you look xtuffx.
oH kWeLz, FaNx 4 dA sPeLLcHeK!!!1!!1!1!1!!!!11rhia said:it's bandana.
you knowkatietheskatie said:you mean it makes you look like a fuckwit scene kid
couldn't have put it better myself.katietheskatie said:you mean it makes you look like a fuckwit scene kid
not really, i'd say the reasons for disliking them are fairly validGavvvvvin said:Yeah, but too bad the only thing worse than scene kids is the people who hate on them.
qftsunjet said:Please don't wear one unless you're black. Hunter bar respect yo.
where do you buy them ?puglover said:i dont really care what other people think..
i like wearing them they make me look cool.
i dont really wear them much and i lost mine.
but now although i tend to wear like more of a tassle or whateva you call it..
just like sorta a scarf type thing around my head o.o
i dont think that makes sense but anywho