Biol1001 + biology in general - question (1 Viewer)


Dec 12, 2006
Okay, here's the deal:

I did Biol1001 at Usyd last semester. I hadn't done any biology previously and I figured I should try it out as many of my postgrad career options relied strongly on biology (med?)

However, my experiences were pretty negative. I absolutely despised going to lectures and labs. In terms of independent study, I didn't mind it once I got it - but I always felt as if I was one step behind of everyone, and I struggled. At this stage, I wished I had at LEAST done the bio bridging course - that would've been smarter...

I felt the same way about the labs - I felt pretty clueless - as I mentioned I didn't do any bio recently and in terms of basic lab skills I felt pretty unprepared, and let's face it, stupid. I mean, it's not like I paid attention in year 9/10 bio (I didn't really give a shit then haha)

Other factors may have come into this - long hours at work and long hours at uni took a toll in the first 7 weeks of semester, but then i cut back on work to around 15hrs p/week and this was more manageable in the end.

Basically, I'm trying to figure out whether biology is for me. I seem to find my commerce subjects infinitely easier, and perhaps because of this, just that bit more enjoyable.

Is it worth giving it another go? Has anyone done this course, hated it, but still enjoyed uni biology?

To reitorate, I did not fail or go below average in any respect - I just despised it. However, I love chemistry... ah, I dunno...

Sorry for the rant lol

I'd really appreciate the replies, guys.


Bored of
Feb 8, 2008
Okay, here's the deal:

I did Biol1001 at Usyd last semester. I hadn't done any biology previously and I figured I should try it out as many of my postgrad career options relied strongly on biology (med?)

However, my experiences were pretty negative. I absolutely despised going to lectures and labs. In terms of independent study, I didn't mind it once I got it - but I always felt as if I was one step behind of everyone, and I struggled. At this stage, I wished I had at LEAST done the bio bridging course - that would've been smarter...

I felt the same way about the labs - I felt pretty clueless - as I mentioned I didn't do any bio recently and in terms of basic lab skills I felt pretty unprepared, and let's face it, stupid. I mean, it's not like I paid attention in year 9/10 bio (I didn't really give a shit then haha)

Other factors may have come into this - long hours at work and long hours at uni took a toll in the first 7 weeks of semester, but then i cut back on work to around 15hrs p/week and this was more manageable in the end.

Basically, I'm trying to figure out whether biology is for me. I seem to find my commerce subjects infinitely easier, and perhaps because of this, just that bit more enjoyable.

Is it worth giving it another go? Has anyone done this course, hated it, but still enjoyed uni biology?

To reitorate, I did not fail or go below average in any respect - I just despised it. However, I love chemistry... ah, I dunno...

Sorry for the rant lol

I'd really appreciate the replies, guys.
As a person who had done bio bridging course, (I also hadn't done HSC bio but have done human bio in the 1st sem) I can say that it only helped in the first week or so for human bio (not sure for biol1001 though). I thought the $300 wasn't worth it in the end.

And it only is really difficult when you first face the subject, but when you get used to it, it gets fine (or even good) as bio is mostly about memorisation. Enjoyment comes after you get stuff.

I also found lab work tedious and meaningless most of the time, so I didn't do anything in lab really except the ones that count towards the final mark (lol bludged the whole sem in labs). It's not like we had to know lab stuff to do well in exams for human bio.

But have another go, imo, it won't be as bad as you think if you try for a few weeks at first, by reading lecture slides, going through the relevant sections of the textbook, etc.

If you still find it really boring, difficult, etc by the end of 4th week, consider withdrawing it then.

hey i recon just stick with it :) i also have a question that is related to this.. i did human biology this semester and loved it.. and i didnt do concepts... and i have chosen to do molecular biology next semester, but i also wanted to change one of my other subjects to the other biology i think its living systems (the one that goes on from concepts)... would it be hard to pick up on living systems if i didnt do concepts in semester 1? i did hsc biology and did pretty well.. thanks
Dunno much about this but according to the Unit of Study Database, only HSC bio is assumed. By how they worded it, BIOL1001 seems only recommended because BIOL1002, "together with BIOL (1001 or 1911) provides entry to all Intermediate units of study in biology in the School of Biological Sciences."

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