Sorry for the late response, I was busy with tutoring. I should definitely create PowerPoints for each topic, organising each lesson on the spot can be time consuming.
Anyways onto your question, so the process the macrophage is conducting is phagocytosis. Now you want to make explicit links to the diagram in your answer.
Phagocytosis: The macrophage engulfs the antigen forming a phagosome around it, then the lysosome a sack containing lysozymes that kill pathogens combines with the phagosome forming a phagolyosome, very unique name right! Just the combination of the two names. The useless remains of the pathogen are exocyotisised out.
The second aspect of the diagram a cd4+ T cell, which would mean its a Helper T cell. The macrophage presents the antigen of the pathogen it kills using the MHC 2 molecule to that Helper T cell which then initiates an immune reposnse