Im trying to get some money from the goverment departments and all they can do is give me the bare minumin. At the moment im homeless staying at my mates places everynite, not having a place of my own, and u walked into the housing department office today and they couldnt do shit, you see all these people who have had kids at 16 and shit like that just so they can get money to support their drug additions and shit like that and some decent person like myself they couldnt even give a fuck that if i dont get some money for a bond, i wont have a place to live and they couldnt even give a fuck.......... and centrelink like fuck they are just as bad, they couldnt care and will try to do anything not to do any work......
man the system sucks, but Johny i still love ya
man the system sucks, but Johny i still love ya