What have you tried so far? You'll have to go to either USyd or Macquarie library and find some good sources. The Ramesside period is
awesome, but there are no books about it! There is Kitchen's book about Ramses, but it's a personality book and not a social history.
A few things I can think of:
* Death and Salvation in Ancient Egypt by Jan Assmann. A bit complex, but will have some good sources,
* D'Auria, S., et al.
Mummies and Magic: The Funerary Arts of Ancient Egypt. Boston, 1987. The introductory essays, particularly those of H. te Velde, J. Allen, and A. M. Roth, deal with funerary beliefs and rituals,
*Quirke, Stephen.
Ancient Egyptian Religion. London, 1992. Well-illustrated volume, with the chapter on death and the afterlife integrating archaeological and textual evidence,
* Spencer, A. Jeffrey.
Death in Ancient Egypt. New York, 1982. Comprehensive discussion of all aspects of death and the burial process, with an emphasis on archaeological evidence.
I've also got a few articles which I can give you for the purposes of education, but I can't put online because of copyright, so get back to me.
Hope that helps.