Section IV questions tend to be quite specific in terms of their requirements. Essentially, you will not be placed in a position where you may need to guess whether a particular term or part of the question refers to a particular subtopic. In the case of this question (Question 27 from the 2016 HSC exam), "operations management" and "operations function" are interchangeable, that is, "operations management" refers to neither operations processes nor operations strategies, but to operations as a key business function.
Based on this, your response should focus specifically on the influences part of the operations topic. In addition to providing a thorough explanation of each influence, your response will include relevant business case study information that serves to demonstrate the response of operations management to influences, thereby supporting your main points throughout your response.
The suggestions of the marking criteria for this question are consistent with this notion, as they merely focus on the syllabus dot points under the influences section and make no mention of processes or strategies.
Using this information, the following could be a potential structure for your response:
- Introduction
- Influence 1 (for instance, globalisation) + supporting business case study information.
- Influence 2 (for instance, technology) + supporting business case study information.
- Influence 3 (for instance, quality expectations) + supporting business case study information.
- Conclusion
I hope this helps!