Yeah, I also do code using pico from putty. Mainly for compiling assignments. But man, text editors in linux are (not-user-friendly xor not-powerful). Nedit is easy to use, but not user friendly. Vim and emacs is the other way around. I long to use my windows text editors there
I used to use winsyntax everyday, but then moved to crimson editor. Is there any other editors that support view splitting like it (and textpad)? Actually, splitting to more than 2 sections (like Nedit) would be really cool, cept nedit dont work for windows :/
i have used vim everyday for the last 6 or so years. at first i only knew how to enter insert mode and delete lines but bit by bit i have learnt another command here and there and know i can do quite a lot.
hands down the best version of indent i have used is the one that ships with openbsd. i only use it on others code though, you should get in the habit of properly formatting your code as you type it. it has saved me uncountable hours of heartache and stress.
is that splitting one file (which is like editing one file, save the effort of scrolling up and down to go to different segments of code), or viewing 2 files in 2 split window?
ah, i see, you can do it in gvim. Just realised ctrl+w works differently on different mode. Awesome, im gonna be trying this now.