You should know your school assessment rank from before the exams. If you are ranked first and your exam mark is lower than your assessment mark, then someone beat you in the exam. Other than that, not much can be found out without talking to other ppl becoz of rounding (e.g ur assessment mark may be 92.3 and someone else's may be 92.4....both would be displayed as 92)
Through msn etc within about 20mins we'd figured out where we'd all gone in each exam. My friend basically saved my uai - i got her exam mark as my assess. mark in 3 subjs - so she knew she'd topped the exams for those subjs...and another friend who was also ranked first in other subjs got her exam mark for her assessment marks. First friend then got a lower exam mark than assessment mark for the subject in which she was ranked first. Conclusion: she topped all the exams in the subjects she did, except in one of the subjects in which she came first....*nice result*

we could figure out other things as well...But yes. You need to talk to ppl.