International Numbers
Use these numbers to enquire about moving or travelling outside Australia, claiming payments while outside Australia, or receiving payments from other countries.
Calling from Austria 0800 295 165
Calling from Canada 1888 2557 493
Calling from Denmark 8088 3556
Calling from Germany 0800 1802 482
Calling from Greece 0080 0611 26209
Calling from Italy 800 781 977
Calling from the Netherlands 0800 0224 364
Calling from New Zealand 0800 441 248
Calling from the Philippines 1800 1611 0046
Calling from Portugal 800 861 122
Calling from Spain 900 951 547
Calling from Turkey 00 800 6190 5703
Calling from the United Kingdom 0800 1695 865
Calling from the U.S.A 1866 3433 086
Please Note: The above free call numbers may not be available from every location within the country, and may not be free from mobile phones or public phones. Customers may need to insert coins/card in pay phones as for a local call and this may not be refunded at the end of the call.
Calling from other countries, or if the above numbers are unavailable +613 6222 3455
(you may reverse the charges by dialling your local operator)
Calling from within Australia 13 1673
Foreign Income Exchange Rate Line FreeCALL™ 1800 050 041