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changes to the way wages are dermined (2 Viewers)


May 19, 2007
heyy guys srry about the last post i admit i may not have done any work before asking for help but now i have. I am researching
"Changes to the way wages are determined in Australia as a result of WorkChoices"
and am just wondering if what i have soo far is correct.... plz feel fre to correct me and add to some of my points

20 yrs ago – IR commission dealt with everything – wage rise, conflict, strike, working conditions etc. Employer would file their argument, trade union would file their argument (representing employees), Government would file their argument. IR commission would come up with a conclusion.
NOW: IR commission has little power; disputes are expected to be resolved between employer and employee ---- less need for trade union. WAGE RISE: 3 ways: AWAs, Collective Agreements (you (or the group) is represented by someone – usually a trade union), or wait for the award increase which is by the AFPC.


Nov 7, 2006
Going good, just throw in a few things about like because of 1996 workplace relations etc etc trade unions have to be 'invited' onto a worksite. And you're no allowed to do wildcat strikes (i.e. you have to give warning). Also try to use some of the terminology such as the removal of the 'safety net' (which basically set minimum wage every year but now it's whenever the AFPC thinks it's necessary). The removal the 'no disadvantage' test, so if employees are stuck with a new contract that takes away leave loading, holiday pay, over-time etc. and they only get an extra 2 cents an hour, they either have to take it or they can leave. This is in stark contrast with employees who have skills in high demand, as they can negotiate better wages than lowly skilled people.

That should get you started...

Sorry if it's too late.
Dec 22, 2006
回复: changes to the way wages are dermined

i remember there have been 3 stages of changes in wage determination system......

just according to my memory, the first one appeared was the AWARD which covered the majority of australia's workers, but then it got simplified by our govt. (originally 90% of workers were covered by AWARD, but now it's only 20%) since then, enterprice barganing appeared with strong union power in it. and now, it is the era for new IR system...

can't remember stuff from high school...
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May 12, 2003
Ozza said:
Going good, just throw in a few things about like because of 1996 workplace relations etc etc trade unions have to be 'invited' onto a worksite. And you're no allowed to do wildcat strikes (i.e. you have to give warning). Also try to use some of the terminology such as the removal of the 'safety net' (which basically set minimum wage every year but now it's whenever the AFPC thinks it's necessary). The removal the 'no disadvantage' test, so if employees are stuck with a new contract that takes away leave loading, holiday pay, over-time etc. and they only get an extra 2 cents an hour, they either have to take it or they can leave. This is in stark contrast with employees who have skills in high demand, as they can negotiate better wages than lowly skilled people.

That should get you started...

Sorry if it's too late.
This information is a bit misleading - and is not accurate.


In the last two (or three) decades australia has gone through an evolution of industrial relations reforms.

1 - 80's - Hawke / Keating - Accord - Agreement by unions to accept steady wage rises (as a result of a wage driven recession in the early 1980's), and other concessions (research the accord for more info).

2 - 90's (Early) - in 1993 Keating introduced enterprise agreements (certified agreements) which involved bargaining at the individual level as opposed to awards which are negotiated at the industry level.

3 - Howard Era - AWA's - Individual agreements were introduced in 1996 (AWA's). They were enhanced in 2006 with the introduction of Workchoices as AWA's were able to contradict conditions in awards. Awards were also changed to no longer increase wages - the AFPC does that based on the needs of employees and the economy.

So you want to talk about the shift from industry towards individual bargaining of wages, and you might also talk about the role of the AFPC in rising wages - and under what conditions it will increase wages (it is an expert panel unlike the AIRC which is a judicial panel - therefore there is more scope for the AFPC to consider the wider implications of a wage rise - potentially limiting the risk of a wage driven recession)

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