Throughout your time at university, you are going to invest in very pricey textbooks that you're going to use only one or two semesters. Moreover, once you're done with these textbooks, there's not really much you can do to get the money you invested in them back. Sometimes, it might even be a struggle to buy all the books you need each semester...
EzyText is a new initiative based around making textbooks more affordable and easier to access than before. With EzyText, you can get the textbooks you need each semester for 50% of the retail price (which is even cheaper than the Co-Op Members Discount price) and you even have the fantastic ability to just hand them back when you're done with them, free of charge.
EzyText is looking for 10 to 15 volunteers to trial this initiative for one semester. If cheap books, ease of use and amazing service sound good to you, drop us a line at Ezytext@gmail.com and we'd be happy to talk to you about what we can do for you.
EzyText is a new initiative based around making textbooks more affordable and easier to access than before. With EzyText, you can get the textbooks you need each semester for 50% of the retail price (which is even cheaper than the Co-Op Members Discount price) and you even have the fantastic ability to just hand them back when you're done with them, free of charge.
EzyText is looking for 10 to 15 volunteers to trial this initiative for one semester. If cheap books, ease of use and amazing service sound good to you, drop us a line at Ezytext@gmail.com and we'd be happy to talk to you about what we can do for you.
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