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Christianity marriage ceremony (1 Viewer)


New Member
Feb 25, 2009
The question of my christainity depth study is:
demonstrate how marriage practices expresses the beliefs of christianity.

Does anyone have sources or ideas how i can answer that question
in 18 lines ?


Just ask for help
Jun 26, 2006
Well, the first thing to do is get a copy of the marriage vows and the ceremony itself:
Solemnization of Matrimony -- Book of Common Prayer
(An old version of the modern Anglican ceremony)

So, the Banns firstly reminds those present of the laws that God set forth about who can and can't marry (borther and sister, daughter and father and so on).

Then it goes on to talk about the institution of marriage, created by God in Genesis - that a man shall leave his family and cleave to his wife. That they shall be one. Proverbs also talks about the strength of a 3 cord rope (being man, wife & God). And that marriage is a picture of Christ and the Church and what Christ did for the church in terms of love.

It reminds those present that marriage is for life. Christ highlighted this in the Sermon on the mount when he talked about men and women separating and adultery. Read Matthew 5.

"Firstly..." God told man and wife to go forth and multiply (hence marriage is for the procreation of children. Children should not be born outside marriage.)

"Secondly..." It was meant to be exclusive - one man, one wife for life. No adultery.

"Thirdly..." God said it was not right for a man to be without a helper (Genesis again) and Proverbs also talks about the wise and beautiful wife and how she is wonderful and helpful to her family and husband.

Then the man promises to love, honour, cherish, comfort, forsake all others as Christ did for the church. (This is the hardest of the two jobs in a marriage, because Christ eventually died for the church and a man is called to do likewise through this promise. Paul talks a lot about this in the letters to the Corinthians and Timothy.)

Then the wife promises to obey, serve, love, honour, forsake all others as the church has to Christ. Obey tends to be replaced these days with "cherish" in the woman's vows because of the bad overtones of obedience and wife bashing husbands who demand obedience. Let's not forget, wife bashing husbands are not living in marriage according to God's Holy ordinances (see what he's promised) and so obedience to such a brute is not expected nor warranted. He is an ungodly, unloving man. (Enough ranting.)

Then the rings (as a sign to others that they are married - remember that Abraham made Sarah pretend they were not married when they went into Egypt and the problems that caused when Pharoah put the moves on her). Prayers and so on.

Does this help at all?

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