Basically - you should know the cause, course and consequences of your crisis.
So why did it happen
What happened exactly
and what greater effects did it have for the cold war (ie. did it accelerate tensions, did it prompt peaceful co-existance, did it help relations)
You should also be able to link your crisis with other aspects of the cold war.
so for some of hte earlier crisis (which berlin would be one) you should be able to link it to the factors that cauesd the cold war.
hum mabye link isn't the right word...
you should be able to show parallels b/w your crisis and other aspects of hte cold war - that sounds better.
For example - i did Korea for mine and i showed how the ideology of hte cold war helped cause the conflict (ie. the idea of communism v capitalism), territorial cauess (sphere of influence) and economic causes (NSC68 document)
so berlin you would look at how ideology played a part in it, and then mabye territory.