yes and no, but ultimately they are usually just marketing devices with no real difference. Its up to you to have a look at the university specifed programs to spot the differences. usually the different degree types will have different core units (core units are units you have to do to get your specified degree) and some will offer more flexibility than others. for examplea at macuni i did a BSc majoring in computing whilst a more common degree was the BCIS (Bachelor of Communication and Information Science or something). I could do all the comp units the BCIS people could do (*), and they could do all the ones i could do, so there was no real difference in the coursework. The main difference was the BCIS has some core units that were pre-requisites for their degree while i had none, so had a little more freedom.
The * is that there was one unit that you had to be in a certain named degree to do, but i could've gotten a waiver for this. i didnt want to do it anyway so its kinda moot. It is up to you to check the programs at your uni.