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Computing Conumdrum (1 Viewer)


Premium Member
Jun 3, 2009
Hi guys, I'd first up like to say I appreciate any and all help, and I know this isn't particularly specific, I also recognize this is a very late inquiry, however, hopefully someone can aid me.

I'm a pretty indecisive guy, and up until yesterday I had been pretty much unable to decide what I wanted to do, so in my preferences, I just put down Arts and a bunch of other stuff, but Arts was at the top. Yesterday I went to the open days, and while previously, within Arts I never knew what major I was going to take, I've now decided that if I was to do Arts, I would take the "Digital Cultures" degree at USyd, as essentially, I want to do "Arts, with computers" because while I self taught Python and Photoshop and I am reasonably good with both, more so Photoshop and other design products than I am at programming, I don't think I'm quite good enough to endure the scope of Computer Science, and I feel as though Software Engineering and Information Systems are terrible boring courses. This notion is furthered by my brother, who is a CompSci student, and has some tendentious views of those subjects. I also do not want to go to COFA or Sydney CotA and do not feel as though I would belong in Digital Media. However, if you do Arts in Digital Cultures, it seems you cant pick ANY subjects that involve design and only a spattering of specialised IT and CompSci ones, but nothing like Comp1001...

Moving on, I feel as though this Digital Cultures course is more analysis and critical thinking about things like web design, social media and games, rather than the creation or design of any of these. Quite so, it seems to be completely devoid of creation, teaching students these things, etc. As in, it appears as if the course is "study of computers" rather than a more involved subject. I am also kinda scared about how all the 6 main components have multiple essays required, I would honestly prefer something more practical, my brother has written one essay in his time at Uni and he is a third year as I said in CompSci, although I'm sure I could adapt and don't mind writing essays, the whole subject just seems kinda esoteric. I also don't want to get into the area that I hated in SDD, like the justification of particular software solutions and things, "why do we put a quit button?" and stupid shit like that.

So I guess what I'm saying is I'm looking for a course with a general base in whatever that allows me to do a spattering of computer based media creating/whatever such as Photoshop, Flash, AfterEffects, Premiere based stuff and also programming. So I was looking at alternatives. I have found some courses, although they all have downsides and I am having trouble deciding.

Bachelour of Media (Media Production) at UNSW. This course definitely seems more creation and program usage based, however. Some of the major courses you have to do within it are not 100% to my liking, I'm not particularly interested in TV or Film, or fine art at all, more computer based design, than anything, and I'm not quite sure I want to dedicate 100% to this.

B Arts/B Digital Media. However, I'm not a fan of the atmosphere and style of art courses in general, although I do understand that this is a stereotype, I placate justification on it, and yes B Arts and B Media arent a huge amount different. I cant draw for shit too, but I can use PS pretty fucken well I reckon.

B Comm in Information and Media or in Media Arts and Technology at UTS. I haven't particularly looked into these too much, is UTS a lower rate uni, are these exactly what I want to do but I'm not seeing it

And any other options I haven't seen... I appreciate any and all advice and essentially I am asking what I should do, but not for a rigid x or y answer. Thanks in advance.

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