Hi! I have a Kindle Paperwhite that I am trying to connect to the USB port of my MacBook Pro. The Kindle is supposed to immediately go into "USB Mode," when it is connected, and mount as a new disk volume on my desktop. It did this just fine when I brought it into my office and connected it to my PC at work. But it isn't working on the MacBook. Other USB peripherals (e.g., a USB key and a USB hard drive) are mounting just fine, however. So it isn't a problem with the USB port or cable.
Amazon technical support has been no help, and does not seem to be aware of this as an issue. Has anyone on this forum encountered a similar problem? Bettter yet, can anyone on this forum offer a solution (besides "get an iPad" -- I already have one. But I really enjoy reading books on my Kindle).
Amazon technical support has been no help, and does not seem to be aware of this as an issue. Has anyone on this forum encountered a similar problem? Bettter yet, can anyone on this forum offer a solution (besides "get an iPad" -- I already have one. But I really enjoy reading books on my Kindle).