Has anybody got some sample essays for these questions?:
"the journey leads to greater understanding"
Discuss how this greateer understandng is represented by composers in different ways. (include prescribed, stimulus, ORT/s)
You are a keynote speaker who has been asked to open a forum on experiance through language to future HSC candidates. Explain how your prescribed text and at least one other text of how humans interact and commnicate in society.
Close study of a Text - Witness
How does Weir sustain the tension in witness, make close references to some key scenes and their function.
Individual and the institution
While institutions should have the best interests of the individual at heart, sometimes they fail. Write a letter to a television producer suggesting that they should explore this idea in a program. In your letter, refer to your prescribed text and at least two ORT's.
Also, if you feel like doing some practice before the trials feel free to post your responses. I've written two essays so far but in my opinion, they are pretty crap. And i cant be bothered converting written to typed. which would involve typing.
"the journey leads to greater understanding"
Discuss how this greateer understandng is represented by composers in different ways. (include prescribed, stimulus, ORT/s)
You are a keynote speaker who has been asked to open a forum on experiance through language to future HSC candidates. Explain how your prescribed text and at least one other text of how humans interact and commnicate in society.
Close study of a Text - Witness
How does Weir sustain the tension in witness, make close references to some key scenes and their function.
Individual and the institution
While institutions should have the best interests of the individual at heart, sometimes they fail. Write a letter to a television producer suggesting that they should explore this idea in a program. In your letter, refer to your prescribed text and at least two ORT's.
Also, if you feel like doing some practice before the trials feel free to post your responses. I've written two essays so far but in my opinion, they are pretty crap. And i cant be bothered converting written to typed. which would involve typing.