dont know if this will help but this is what we did you might be able to work out techniques and stuff from the notes that our teacher made us take..its only stuff on the love test scene
peter brook questions the worth of life - sense of waiting for the inevitable of dying.
about the nothingness of life, extentialist view, questions the value of life
lear is not talking, lil movement, energy and passion
costuming is icelandic, pagan and medievil
throne centred in the middle, only shows the back
gonerill in centre - rehearsed delivery - cordelia in background
regans turn to speak nothing in background
cordelia sits by herself opposite the king
when it is cordelias turn to speak we know she takes crown but dont see her with it.
cordelia looks down b4 being prompted to talk
cutting shots of cordelia and the king when lear is starting to get angry