Oooo! Three wishes.
Senior trainee, already got it! My other two wishes...
a great UAI.
and something or someone or...
let me think about the last one.
How can I tell? Cause when I posted it, the total on the front was at 999 posts.
:ROFL: aarrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!! hahaha........ OMIGOOOOOOOOOOSH.... haha.... hehe.. you kill meeeeeeeeee... *takes a breath*.... man...oh gosh... sorri.
queen skillo... and king sparky... i am your faithful jester at your service.... and this is my assistant monkey, turbulante(sorry turbulance... i thought your original nick had bit too much..... *pizaz* for a munkey... but your free to change it!)
come on u can do better than that Skillo . . .u dont want those things. . .be selfish i know you and i saw the way you looked at my car, U WANT A CAR LIKE MINE and senior trainee and a great UAI, but mostly the car
rock on, have fun ALIAS, ps skillo i must say just to bite ur cheek American Action/Drama/Non-realistic/Linear/Fast/Repetitive/Pointless