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Earn some extra cash at Sydney Uni! (1 Viewer)


New Member
Feb 19, 2006
Get Paid to volunteer!

Hey Guys,

Centre for the mind is currently searching for volunteers!

We are looking for healthy volunteers who are over the age of 18. We will apply transcranial direct current stimulation to you and you will be asked to do a series of simple cognitive tasks. The whole session will take no longer than 1 hour to complete and you will be reimbursed for your time.
This study has been approved by the University of Sydney Human Research Ethics Committees. We are trying to develop a "thinking cap" to see if we can make everyday people smarter and more creative!

For further details and more information
Call 9351 8531, www.facebook.com/centreforthemind or e-mail info@centreforthemind.com****
Our tantalising finding that everyone possesses nonconscious skills, and that these skills can be switched on with magnetic brain stimulation, challenges conventional views about creativity. Hailed by the prestigious scientific journal Nature as offering “startling insights”, this pioneering research into creativity has captured worldwide attention. Our Penguin book What Makes A Champion! distills the universal ingredients of extraordinary success.

“The research being undertaken by Professor Snyder … has the potential to benefit future generations by assisting them to harness their full creative capacity.” John Howard, Prime Minister 1996 - 2007

Centre for the Mind is located in the Main Quadrangle(A14) of the University of Sydney, NSW, Australia.​

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