Just preparing my discussion question "talk" that I have due for Wednesday, but since the PASS times before then clash with my lectures, I can't ask questions there so I don't really have anywhere else to turn to but here.
(I forgot the name of my tutor.. doh!)....
Anyway, my discussion question is:
What are the eco. justifications for interference in free trade? What are the forms of protection? Which groups are winners and losers.
Now the Microeconomics textbook is fairly vague on these questions, and i'm finding that my HSC notes are far more helpful. Is this little outline for the first 2 parts what I should be doing?
Justifications for interference
Infant industry argument
Prevention of dumping
Protection of domestic employment
Defence and self-sufficiency
Methods of protection
Voluntary export restraints
Local Content Rules
Export Incentives
Embargoes, etc
Anyway, my discussion question is:
What are the eco. justifications for interference in free trade? What are the forms of protection? Which groups are winners and losers.
Now the Microeconomics textbook is fairly vague on these questions, and i'm finding that my HSC notes are far more helpful. Is this little outline for the first 2 parts what I should be doing?
Justifications for interference
Infant industry argument
Prevention of dumping
Protection of domestic employment
Defence and self-sufficiency
Methods of protection
Voluntary export restraints
Local Content Rules
Export Incentives
Embargoes, etc