Sure. Right click the page, view source. Ctrl+F (find) the link to the media, or alternatively try and search the extension. Copy the link into your browser and go from there.
Or make a text file with:
<a href="thelink">anything here</a>
Save as page.htm, open it up, right click, save target as
Does that still work if it's a streaming audio/video file. Coz for the file I want, there's a list of several files and when I click on one link it plays in an embedded Windows Media Player "window", so would the method you outlined above still work for that?
Does that still work if it's a streaming audio/video file. Coz for the file I want, there's a list of several files and when I click on one link it plays in an embedded Windows Media Player "window", so would the method you outlined above still work for that?