Hey guys i was just wondering if any of you guys know how msn and that do the Emotions in the rich text box??
Anyone know how they do it?
Anyone know how they do it?
RTB.OLEObjects.Add , "this is a pic", "C:\test.bmp"
Option Explicit
' this is the API declaration to lock the form
Private Declare Function LockWindowUpdate Lib "user32" (ByVal hwndLock As Long) As Long
Private Sub Command1_Click()
' lock this form
LockWindowUpdate Me.hWnd
' add the picture
rtb.OLEObjects.Add , , "c:\test.bmp"
' unselect the picture by moving the cursor to the end
rtb.SelStart = Len(rtb.Text)
' unlock the window
LockWindowUpdate False
End Sub