Exam ISSUE! (1 Viewer)


Jul 20, 2006
hi everyone, today was one of the worst days of my life lol.

Firstly i get to uni around 5 hours before exam so i can study hardcore, however when i leave my car to go to the toilet, i come back and my passenger -front window is smashed. I had to wait 1-2 hours for uws security to attend to me as another car window was smashed and another 30 mins with police, anywayz, as exam time was approaching, 5 mins before exam, i realise that my calculator, yes calculator is missing, i know i brought it with me to uni however i dont know if it was stolen. :(

anywayz im going into a maths exam with no calculator WTF...]

sooo yes, i know im going to fail cause i had no calculator and no other spares.

is there anything i can do, like do misadventure papers what my mate told me.

i dont know

should i just cope it that i was having a very very very bad day.

thank you


Jan 11, 2005
You should just apply for a supplementary..claiming you werent psychologically fit to sit the exam after seeing you car window smashed etc.


Apr 4, 2006
Somone broke into your car to steal your calculator?
.. lol

Sorry, must of been terrible for you. You can fill out the misadventure form/special consideration form off the UWS site.

And if you need a new calculator, you can probably get one from the Coop bookshop or stationary store on campus.


Feb 4, 2006
wrxsti said:
hi everyone, today was one of the worst days of my life lol.

Firstly i get to uni around 5 hours before exam so i can study hardcore, however when i leave my car to go to the toilet, i come back and my passenger -front window is smashed. I had to wait 1-2 hours for uws security to attend to me as another car window was smashed and another 30 mins with police, anywayz, as exam time was approaching, 5 mins before exam, i realise that my calculator, yes calculator is missing, i know i brought it with me to uni however i dont know if it was stolen. :(

anywayz im going into a maths exam with no calculator WTF...]

sooo yes, i know im going to fail cause i had no calculator and no other spares.

is there anything i can do, like do misadventure papers what my mate told me.

i dont know

should i just cope it that i was having a very very very bad day.

thank you

hey, what campus did this happen on?

i pretty sure u can get to sit another one as what happened to u was quite stressing.


wrxsti said:
hi everyone, today was one of the worst days of my life lol.

Firstly i get to uni around 5 hours before exam so i can study hardcore, however when i leave my car to go to the toilet, i come back and my passenger -front window is smashed. I had to wait 1-2 hours for uws security to attend to me as another car window was smashed and another 30 mins with police, anywayz, as exam time was approaching, 5 mins before exam, i realise that my calculator, yes calculator is missing, i know i brought it with me to uni however i dont know if it was stolen. :(

anywayz im going into a maths exam with no calculator WTF...]

sooo yes, i know im going to fail cause i had no calculator and no other spares.

is there anything i can do, like do misadventure papers what my mate told me.

i dont know

should i just cope it that i was having a very very very bad day.

thank you
Talk to your unit coordinator ASAP! Ask if you can resit the exam because ultimately it's up to them.

if they say no, which would be highly unreasonable, i would then suggest you t ake it up with the head of school.

In addition - contact your course advisor to confirm whether or not you should lodge a Misadventure form considering you are also requesting to resit the exam.

Do it ASAP! As there are time limits on applying for these sorts of things and although they can vary the requirements, it is more likely you'll be successful the sooner you do it.

Hope it works out for you :)

If all else fails and you still don't get anywhere with your teachers, head of school etc, go speak to eth UWSSA cause they have reps who deal with student appeals and those sorts of things - they may be able to help you out, or at least point you in the right direction.

If you saw Police, you would have Police report details etc so they shouldn't be too unreasonable as obviously you can prove what happened.

EDIT: also, obviously i know its no help now, but for others who may be in your position in future - you should go to the little shop on campus if you have one on yoru campus, or the co-op shop cause they usually sell calculators so a crappy one is probably better than nothing :)

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