Hi there!
Chances are that if you have thought about applying for selective entry during high school you have stumbled across some of my posts.
I had quite the struggle from year 7 to year 9, applying relentlessly to as many schools as I could to maximise my chances of getting into a selective school that was closer to home, facing rejection after rejection until year 10.
After three years of trial and error, minimal online resources and advice from older students I finally was accepted into 2/3 of my preferences for 2023 entrance.
Finding a balance between prioritising schoolwork and selective exam prep is something that came across challenging with many of my peers and I, the tradeoff between report marks and exam marks confusing us all due to the unique nature of exams such as HAST and Edutest deterring from the curriculum we study at school.
But it doesn’t have to be as difficult for you.
I am currently taking Expressions of Interest for a 2025 Years 8-11 Selective Entrance Mentoring Program. With advice that extends beyond what I have shared on Bored of Studies, I am eager to share the shortcuts to achieve your desired results.
Currently, I plan to set this up in the form of a free Discord community, where I can share advice and resources with young achievers like yourselves who are aiming to maximise their potential, however, in a less formal setting than typical private tutoring as time is of essence when balancing selective prep with schoolwork and extracurricular activities.
Please feel free to send me a PM on BOS if this interests you or to find out more about me!
Chances are that if you have thought about applying for selective entry during high school you have stumbled across some of my posts.
I had quite the struggle from year 7 to year 9, applying relentlessly to as many schools as I could to maximise my chances of getting into a selective school that was closer to home, facing rejection after rejection until year 10.
After three years of trial and error, minimal online resources and advice from older students I finally was accepted into 2/3 of my preferences for 2023 entrance.
Finding a balance between prioritising schoolwork and selective exam prep is something that came across challenging with many of my peers and I, the tradeoff between report marks and exam marks confusing us all due to the unique nature of exams such as HAST and Edutest deterring from the curriculum we study at school.
But it doesn’t have to be as difficult for you.
I am currently taking Expressions of Interest for a 2025 Years 8-11 Selective Entrance Mentoring Program. With advice that extends beyond what I have shared on Bored of Studies, I am eager to share the shortcuts to achieve your desired results.
Currently, I plan to set this up in the form of a free Discord community, where I can share advice and resources with young achievers like yourselves who are aiming to maximise their potential, however, in a less formal setting than typical private tutoring as time is of essence when balancing selective prep with schoolwork and extracurricular activities.
Please feel free to send me a PM on BOS if this interests you or to find out more about me!