Finished trials now, advice on how to use time effectively until HSC? (1 Viewer)


Oct 29, 2013
Hi guys,
so I've finished trials now (my school does it two weeks earlier) and they were pretty hard, stressful and required lots of cramming. In fact I'm pretty sure I failed two exams which I've been really depressed about.
I really want to feel well prepared for the actual HSC exams. because, it's a pretty horrible feeling constantly stressed around an exam and suffering mind blanks and panic attacks...and trials taught me that my memory isn't as great as I thought it was and unless I'm very well prepared...I don't work clearly or logically during exam conditions.

There are 76 days left till HSC and I wanted to know any tips on how to use this time effectively, like how many practice papers/ essays/ responses I should be aiming for every week to feel extremely prepared. Because I really want to just go into the HSC exams and feel confident that I know my stuff (every detail) back to front and that I've done so much practice, any essay question will be workable.
for most of my subjects we haven't finished the whole syllabus and I do Ancient history and my teachers say its a real marathon to finish everything on time, so they'll probably be no time for revision. I am going to try and get ahead though...hopefully I even have time to. but, yeah if any of you or past HSC students had tips on what they did after trials to prepare or what really helped or was effective, feel free to share...or current hsc students.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2014
Well I gave myself a 4 day rest after trials ! And starting from yesterday I have got stuck right into it again; now doing trial papers for all my subjects, refining essays, completing any unfinished notes and for subjects that aren't complete, reading ahead before learning content in class. + assessments ie. English module c 100% priority since nothing else stopping me.

I'd rather do actual HSC papers for each subject closer towards the actual exams so like a month before...

Try not to stress! I know I stress heapsss too, its natural and you can't stop it but try to enjoy the last 76 days!... Have fun because it's the last time you're going to be going to high school with your friends. We've all made it this far so there's no point giving up now :)


Jun 3, 2014
South of here
Uni Grad
Well I gave myself a 4 day rest after trials ! And starting from yesterday I have got stuck right into it again; now doing trial papers for all my subjects, refining essays, completing any unfinished notes and for subjects that aren't complete, reading ahead before learning content in class. + assessments ie. English module c 100% priority since nothing else stopping me.

I'd rather do actual HSC papers for each subject closer towards the actual exams so like a month before...

Try not to stress! I know I stress heapsss too, its natural and you can't stop it but try to enjoy the last 76 days!... Have fun because it's the last time you're going to be going to high school with your friends. We've all made it this far so there's no point giving up now :)
ditto. But make sure you get any notes you are writing finished NOW! because you don't have much time to practice if you leave it too late.

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