A .:AmBeR.SmItH:. Member Joined Apr 28, 2007 Messages 194 Location the moon Gender Female HSC 2008 Oct 3, 2008 #1 what was the foriegn policy of hatshepsut?????????????????????
G giney New Member Joined Feb 5, 2008 Messages 8 Gender Female HSC 2008 Oct 8, 2008 #3 do you need to know what it is or info about it? because the foreign policy is the 'military campaigns and expedition to Punt' military campaigns i.e. in Nubia and the north of Egypt
do you need to know what it is or info about it? because the foreign policy is the 'military campaigns and expedition to Punt' military campaigns i.e. in Nubia and the north of Egypt
M menofstudy Retiring Member Joined May 12, 2007 Messages 57 Gender Male HSC 2008 Oct 30, 2008 #4 Giney is right. Foreign Policy = Military campaigns and her expedition to Punt. Military campaigns -were undertaken to ensure general securty and protect trade routes. -There were about four to six campaings with an early expedition against Nubia and attacks to Syria and Palestine later on. - Thutmose III led a campaing to Gaza and another against Nubia in year 22 shortly before Hat's death. - Hatshepsut maintained the security of Egypt and added to a growing prosperity Punt - Seen as one of her greatest achievements (even by herself) - depicted in her propaganda as equal to her predecessors military success. - Punt was a major source of incense used in rituals such as in the preisthood of Amun. - evidence of the expedition is in the middle colonnade of her mortuary temple at Deir el bahri - The expedition was not to conquer but solely for trade. - They collected gold, myrrh trees, ebony, ivory and baboons to name a few - Hatshepsut dedicates goods to Amun and plants myrrh trees at Amun's temple.
Giney is right. Foreign Policy = Military campaigns and her expedition to Punt. Military campaigns -were undertaken to ensure general securty and protect trade routes. -There were about four to six campaings with an early expedition against Nubia and attacks to Syria and Palestine later on. - Thutmose III led a campaing to Gaza and another against Nubia in year 22 shortly before Hat's death. - Hatshepsut maintained the security of Egypt and added to a growing prosperity Punt - Seen as one of her greatest achievements (even by herself) - depicted in her propaganda as equal to her predecessors military success. - Punt was a major source of incense used in rituals such as in the preisthood of Amun. - evidence of the expedition is in the middle colonnade of her mortuary temple at Deir el bahri - The expedition was not to conquer but solely for trade. - They collected gold, myrrh trees, ebony, ivory and baboons to name a few - Hatshepsut dedicates goods to Amun and plants myrrh trees at Amun's temple.
Sarinity New Member Joined Mar 30, 2008 Messages 6 Gender Male HSC 2008 Oct 30, 2008 #5 Also remember the difference between tributes and taxes, to the north and south, taxes were paid by Nubia etc and tributes by countries in the north bleh, i can't remember the norht and south very well but the point is, remember the difference between taxes and tributes and who they were for
Also remember the difference between tributes and taxes, to the north and south, taxes were paid by Nubia etc and tributes by countries in the north bleh, i can't remember the norht and south very well but the point is, remember the difference between taxes and tributes and who they were for