freaking out (1 Viewer)


Sep 28, 2005
rolled up in a corner
i think it was on last years HSC, the question about Epidemiology and their was a diagram with Nanaville and Gull island and stuff and it asked you to do an epidemiological study.. i have attempted the question many times but know i am not doing all that the question requires. can someone plz help me and tell me what i need to write!!


Jun 6, 2005
123 non-fake street
no need to panic lozzi, i assure you that most tudents will look at an 8 mark question like that and say "no way im doing this" or at least struggle with it, i know that i would because it is a fairly hard question. But if you put ur mind to it and plan your answer you will pick up ur pace and flow with the answer and u will accumulate those marks. My class has gone over that question and this is how I did mine (im not guaranteeing that my answer is perfectly right but ill try my best :) ):

The question gives u that map and asks you that question:

So an epidemic has broken out in Nanavale.
Symptoms are whatever.
Many families have 1 member with disease (non-infectious)
Worse in infants than adults
Isolated cases occured in Dairyville and Beefville
No cases on Gull island

Answer (the design of the epidemiological study to investigate origins of disease):

- Study involves collection and careful statistical analysis of a wide range of data.
- Identify populations living in Nanavale, beefville and dairyville for sampling.
- Interview the people asking them what they have eaten and where they have been when symptoms first occured (this will help to pin down where the disease is coming from).
- Interview people from Gull island and compare those people to those in Nanavale, beef and dairy villes. (This can be your control group)
- Collect a large quantity of relevant data such as diet, habit of affected and non-infected people, and their environmental conditions.
- Put this down on a graph to try and narrow down what causes the disease.
- Do a test with a particular disease to see the affects and see if it matches the symptoms and effects of the disease in question.

And this marking criteria from the HSC markers to get your 7-8 marks is also available:

• Collection of a large quantity of relevant data such as diet, habit of
affected and non affected people, environmental conditions
• Statistical analysis of data
• Appropriate representation/sampling of population

I hope that helps :)
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