kingbigboyjames Banned Joined Apr 5, 2009 Messages 103 Gender Male HSC 2006 May 19, 2009 #61 I just had a bat.
eldore44 Facebook is better. Joined Sep 8, 2008 Messages 162 Location Bathurst Gender Male HSC 2009 May 20, 2009 #62 The Age said: Group sex may still be fringe, but a fair proportion of sexually active teenagers and young adults interviewed last week have been involved in threesomes, or know of friends who have. Click to expand... "fair proportion" < 50% "sexually active teenagers" - kind of a target market for this survey "or know of friends who have" = its not very common. Good work The Age, you pathetic excuse for media.
The Age said: Group sex may still be fringe, but a fair proportion of sexually active teenagers and young adults interviewed last week have been involved in threesomes, or know of friends who have. Click to expand... "fair proportion" < 50% "sexually active teenagers" - kind of a target market for this survey "or know of friends who have" = its not very common. Good work The Age, you pathetic excuse for media.
Strawbaby General Store Joined Apr 6, 2006 Messages 511 Location Melbourne Gender Female HSC 2006 May 21, 2009 #63 I Study Hard said: I seriously lol'd. But at OP. In a tree?? Wow, that sounds abit stupid. I'd totally do it on a trampoline though xD j/k Click to expand... It's not actually that great. By the time you jump around enough for it to actually be different from a springy bed, you end up injuring each other.
I Study Hard said: I seriously lol'd. But at OP. In a tree?? Wow, that sounds abit stupid. I'd totally do it on a trampoline though xD j/k Click to expand... It's not actually that great. By the time you jump around enough for it to actually be different from a springy bed, you end up injuring each other.