Depends on the course you are doing.
During mid sem break - go for it (no impact on your studies).
If there are mid sem exams - then probably not such a good idea. You may be able to talk to your lecturer and sit it at an alternate time, but it depends on the circumstances.
Assignments - OK as long as you can do them on time. Just email it to a friend to print and place it in the submission box for you. Or you could even get your tutor to do this for you (avoiding any plagiarism issues, etc).
If there is nothing on, then lectures/tutorials - no one cares if you go or not. Just let your tutor know in advance (one week) and it should be ok. Some lectures are even recorded online so you can watch them in Thailand or when you get back.
In short, no one week should not be too bad. You have the easter break anyway when the uni is closed. Just keep up and be prepared to work ahead/catch up for the week you miss.