according to what ariadne said in that lecture, there will be two sections of equal value, 1hr each. firstly 12 short answer factual questions based on the topics each week and then 2 essays from a choice of 4.
In my notes i've got written 'power and democracy' 'representation' 'policy processes' and 'participation' - so i take it she said each essay will relate to a separate theme - but i can't remember a fortnight ago
she also said to relate the theory to current political debates and events if you want top marks - but thats the same for any subject.
as for study - i am starting from the lecture notes and then supplementing with the textbook because i found her notes didn't just copy the book but emphasised certain things more than others, real world examples etc. so yeah i'm doing that...and using the powerscape website for the discussion questions - i figure she might lift questions she has already written but who knows.
i also vaguely remember my tutor saying 'statism' is important.
hope that helps. goodluck with the exam....srsly need to pull off something brilliant in this one as my briefing paper sucked arse.
Oh and don't forget the ubiquitous 'three models of power'