Daddy recently cut me off from the trust fund so i'm trying to maintain a lifestyle I can't afford
You be trolling right?
Post ways to live cheaply and i'll compile the best ones into this first post.
I'll start:
Carrying around a hip flask
Ordering regular drinks and mixing in your own spirits.
Eating day old bread from the bakery
Serious options: Depending on where you live/ are living; consider getting a cheaper place.
- Don't drink alcohol (It'll save you HEAPS)
- Aldi has suddenly become your goto supermarket
- Include the local fruit market as well.
- take Centrium; That way you can get all your multivitamins whilst you begin to skimp on your meals
- Stop leaving the computer/TV on when your not using it.
- If you must download consider getting a cheap server from overseas to download all those stuff; then download from the server at breakneck speed (Applies to Computer Techies only)
- Wearing two-three jumpers @ home is a great alternative to having the heater on 24/7.
- Consider getting a place closer to the stores; that way you don't have to drive as often which comes to my next point;
- Ditchthe fancy car and get a nice second hand one that actually costs les insurance. Good recommendations are a Toyota/Lexus (they use similiar parts) or if you must have some sort of luxury a second hand car
this should do (I assume your lifestyle included many a high end Audi)
That's all I have thought of for now.