hey,, im actually a perthian so i dno if u guys do gwen harwood or not..but like im REALLy having trouble like anaylising some of her work... >< like the easy ones like prize-giving, in the park, suburban sonnet are sorta banned..or wed get markd harder..so i kinda wanna do another one...if anyone has info on like carapace or any other one..thatd be great^^ tho i doubt anyone would respond.... =( anyhoo ive never done thread so this is "exciting" in itself =.= (im easily contentd...even if anyone would say hi id be like YAY ppl...im a ppl person =P..or just..very lame) oh and btw, anyone knw anything abt David Malouf's remembering babylon??i hate that book..it goes on and on...