its the most fucked up situation...
i was going out for 6 months with this guy, and we loved each other, but then his mother died and he went to Darwin to be with his family. i assumed after a month of him not answering my calls that he didn't want to be with me, and i have now been going out with a guy for 4 months, and i fell in love with him.
On thursday, i came back from school to find Darwin on my front steps, and when he saw me kissed me and said he still loved me.
I thought since i never properly broke up with him that i owed it to him to be with him again, and i broke up with my bf, but now i don't think it would be right to go out with Darwin either.
So now do u understand why i have to drown my sorrows in god's gift to romantics...
I feel like i am on an episode of Jerry Springer.