rsingh said:
"Explain the links between inflation, the current account balance, and economic growth." [5 marks].
This question in our trials stumped most of the students at our school! Any ideas?
all i have to say is if i got that for my trials or my hsc i would have written 3 extended responses cause that question is either really badly worded because im sure they had a specific answer in mind, or really unfair.
i wouldnt go with that phillips curve though
- id look at inflation and its affect on components of the current account balance and then how the current account balance determines to an gdp which is a measure of economic growth
- so basically inflation influences input costs for australian exports and therefore reduces their international competativeness which could lead to australian exports being bought less so then our current account balance gets a bit stuffed
- then you could go yeah trade is one of the strongest growing areas of economic growth, the balance of goods and services a compenent of the CAB is a measure of this contributor to economic growth and so thats how they link
- but to get five marks gee thats hard, maybe talk about what would happen to imports as real incomes decline due to inflation (that is you can buy less with the same amount of money assuming no changes in the wage rate) so there is less money to spend on imports and so they also decline, which would be a positive thing for the CAB (although you could say the terms of trade, and substution for imports because they are cheaper...didnt think of that good one p.s. i put the bracketd part in after)
-still i dont think i would get 5 marks for this like to do it properly u would have to sit there and go into a lot of depth
- id probably leave that till the end of the exam
actually after reading the other answers i think mine is better because:
- you go off topic, e.g unemployment
- and yeah not actually linking them