Have you moved as a teenager? (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Jan 4, 2008
Hey guys, for my IRP I'm conducting research into the effects of relocation on a teenager's wellbeing. If you have moved (suburb/town/city/state/country) as a teenager it would be greatly appreciated if you would complete the questionnaire below:

Age: ____ Gender: M / F

1. Have you moved before your teenage years? Y / N

2. How many times have you moved as a teenager? Where to (change of suburb/city/state/country) and at what age?

3. What was your initial reaction to finding out about the move?

4. How were your relationships with your siblings affected by the move?

5. To what extent were you able to pursue your interests when you moved? How did this affect your transition?

6. Who did you look to for help in the early stages of the transition? How did your parents try to help you?

7. What assistance was available to you to aid your transition into the new community? How effective was it?

8. How difficult was it for you to fit into the school community initially (as far as friends and schoolwork are concerned)? What do you think was responsible for this?

9. How do you feel your self-esteem was affected by the move?

10. How do you feel your sense of belonging was affected by the move? (How long did it take for you to feel like you belonged in the community or in a peer group?)

11. Do think the move has affected the way you interact with others (family and peers)? How?

12. Who would you go to first for advice: friends or family? Why?

13. What was challenging and rewarding about the move?

14. Where do you think of as home?

15. Do you see the moving experience as positive or negative? Why?

16. Has the moving experience helped or hindered your personal and academic development? Please explain.

17. Would you consider moving as an adult? Why/why not?


Aug 25, 2007
1. Have you moved before your teenage years? Y / N

2. How many times have you moved as a teenager? Where to (change of suburb/city/state/country) and at what age? I've moved from country at the age of 11 to Australia

3. What was your initial reaction to finding out about the move? I was happy but at the same time sad because i will leave all my family and friends and leave the country i have lived all my life in but i was happy to come to Australia to start a new life

4. How were your relationships with your siblings affected by the move?
I think we got closer because of the hardship we faced and especially when we first came here because we had few friends at the beginning so we got closer at that time

5. To what extent were you able to pursue your interests when you moved? How did this affect your transition? i'm so sorry but i don't get this question

6. Who did you look to for help in the early stages of the transition? How did your parents try to help you? From people who have already lived here before mostly from the same cultural background as me, people who spoke my language, my parents were supportive they helped by making me like this country by taking me out and showing me places

7. What assistance was available to you to aid your transition into the new community? How effective was it? my father he was here before us so he helped alot it was very effective he knew alot

8. How difficult was it for you to fit into the school community initially (as far as friends and schoolwork are concerned)? What do you think was responsible for this? At the beginning very difficult but then it became easier i think its because i didn't speak english at that time so if was much harder for me to fit in

9. How do you feel your self-esteem was affected by the move?
I don't feel it got affected by i got a new insight about myself i discovered many things about myself in this journey

10. How do you feel your sense of belonging was affected by the move? (How long did it take for you to feel like you belonged in the community or in a peer group?) It took me about a year to feel i belong here mostly because of the language

11. Do think the move has affected the way you interact with others (family and peers)? How? No, but when i came i was just a child and now a teenager so i changed because of my age

12. Who would you go to first for advice: friends or family? Why? Most of the time no one i keep it to myself but if i need to i would go to my family because they more likely to give me the best advice

13. What was challenging and rewarding about the move?
learning a new language and getting to know people from all over the world was really great

14. Where do you think of as home? both countries the country i was born and here

15. Do you see the moving experience as positive or negative? Why?
positive because i learnt so much things i wouldn't if i lived or stayed in the same country

16. Has the moving experience helped or hindered your personal and academic development? Please explain.
Not really

17. Would you consider moving as an adult? Why/why not?
I'm not sure it depends on the time and why i need to move but maybe yes for work or further education

good luck


Aug 25, 2007
i didn't do the first part sorry

age 17 geneder female


New Member
May 16, 2007
DaniKate said:
Hey guys, for my IRP I'm conducting research into the effects of relocation on a teenager's wellbeing. If you have moved (suburb/town/city/state/country) as a teenager it would be greatly appreciated if you would complete the questionnaire below:

Age: __16__ Gender: M / F

1. Have you moved before your teenage years? Y / N

2. How many times have you moved as a teenager? Where to (change of suburb/city/state/country) and at what age?
1. 11-Britain to Australia
2. 11- Within Suburb
3. 12- Within Suburb
4. 13-Within Suburb
5. 16- Multiple Times due to house fire, all temporary living spaces.

3. What was your initial reaction to finding out about the move?
1. Shocked at distancem and dramatic changes in friends, fear of the unknown.
2-4.Not too worried as expected due to being in rental houses anyway
5. Didn't have a choice at all

4. How were your relationships with your siblings affected by the move?
Became closer the first time as she was the only person i knew.

5. To what extent were you able to pursue your interests when you moved? How did this affect your transition?
1-4. It was a lot easier, due to the wider range of utilities available within a closer ares, this helped in adjustment and helped take my mind off things.
5. I was not really due to a lot of different unknown areas, with a lack of knowledge of public transport and facilities etc. This made the transition very difficult as no break from everyday life was provided.

6. Who did you look to for help in the early stages of the transition? How did your parents try to help you?
Siblings and parents as they were the only people constantly around, once friendships were developed they could distract from feelings of homesickness etc.

7. What assistance was available to you to aid your transition into the new community? How effective was it?
The help of extended family and neighbours.

8. How difficult was it for you to fit into the school community initially (as far as friends and schoolwork are concerned)? What do you think was responsible for this?
First from england was rather hard due to different accent and customs etc.
Other moves were within the same area and therefore stayed in the same school.

9. How do you feel your self-esteem was affected by the move?
It would depend on how well you were accepted into the community.

10. How do you feel your sense of belonging was affected by the move? (How long did it take for you to feel like you belonged in the community or in a peer group?)
Not long, being a child who socialises easily.

11. Do think the move has affected the way you interact with others (family and peers)? How?
Makes you realise things can dissappear rather quickly and memories need to be made :)

12. Who would you go to first for advice: friends or family? Why?
Depends on circumstance and who is around at the time.

13. What was challenging and rewarding about the move?
having to start your whole life again, make changes you needed/wanted to make.

14. Where do you think of as home?
Wherever my family and i are.

15. Do you see the moving experience as positive or negative? Why?
Positive. Allows you to see how you deal without material objects.

16. Has the moving experience helped or hindered your personal and academic development? Please explain.
Helped, by creating a wider range of experiences to relate and reflect on.

17. Would you consider moving as an adult? Why/why not?
I would say this is out of your control and depends upon a lot of different circumstances.
Good Luck on your IRP!


Jan 5, 2008
Age: 17
Gender: M / F

1. Have you moved before your teenage years? Y / N

2. How many times have you moved as a teenager? Where to (change of suburb/city/state/country) and at what age? When I was fifteen (Year 10) I moved suburbs.

3. What was your initial reaction to finding out about the move? Yay to a new house, nay to the suburb we were moving to.

4. How were your relationships with your siblings affected by the move? Um, they weren't.

5. To what extent were you able to pursue your interests when you moved? How did this affect your transition? Yeah, it didn't really affect my 'interests' at all. I guess if you could consider the television and computer 'interests' (I'm clutching for straws k) well we didn't have the former for about two weeks and the latter for about two months, so that kind of sucked yeah?

6. Who did you look to for help in the early stages of the transition? How did your parents try to help you? Um due to all the techinical difficulties that surrounded the move I had to talk to my school about extensions on assessments that were due around the time. They (the school) weren't of any help to me.

7. What assistance was available to you to aid your transition into the new community? How effective was it? There was no community to transition into.

8. How difficult was it for you to fit into the school community initially (as far as friends and schoolwork are concerned)? What do you think was responsible for this? I didn't change schools.

9. How do you feel your self-esteem was affected by the move? It wasn't.

10. How do you feel your sense of belonging was affected by the move? (How long did it take for you to feel like you belonged in the community or in a peer group?) N/A

11. Do think the move has affected the way you interact with others (family and peers)? How? No?

12. Who would you go to first for advice: friends or family? Why? There was no need for advice.

13. What was challenging and rewarding about the move? Challenging: not having a computer, not being able to work on my assessments as a result of this, losing a lot of shit in the move, my school being disappointingly unwilling to help me out or give me a break. Rewarding: um, idk? We got a pool? It hasn't really made much of a difference tbh.

14. Where do you think of as home? Here, I guess.

15. Do you see the moving experience as positive or negative? Why? Positive, only cause this house is better for my sister (physically disabled) than the old one was, which puts less stress on my mother and blahblahblah hugs all around.

16. Has the moving experience helped or hindered your personal and academic development? Please explain. It hindered my academic "development" in a massive way at the time, luckily year 10 counts for shit hey.

17. Would you consider moving as an adult? Why/why not? Hell yes, I want to live overseas for a short while anyway but coming back to Sydney there's no way I'd chose to stay here.


The Iconoclaster
Oct 11, 2007
Age: 16 Gender: M / F

1. Have you moved before your teenage years? Y / N

2. How many times have you moved as a teenager? Where to (change of suburb/city/state/country) and at what age?
age 2 months - moved from Australia to Malaysia
age 1 - moved back to Australia
age 3 - moved suburbs (this is when I was still living in Perth)
age 7 - moved suburbs
age 8 - moved suburbs
age 9 - moved suburbs
age 11 - moved state from Perth to Sydney
age 13 - moved suburbs (Burwood to Strathfield)
age 15 - moved suburbs (Strathfield to Homebush)
age 16 - moved suburbs (Homebush to Lidcombe

you might be thinking "woah! u moved heaps!" but yes i did move heaps but it wasnt because we got kicked out or anything.. it's just my family have never been satisfied with the house we were in..

3. What was your initial reaction to finding out about the move? moving suburbs was fine with me but when we moved states I was so shocked. i hated the idea of it. i loved living in Perth coz i was born there and lived there my whole life.

4. How were your relationships with your siblings affected by the move? i went through a period of hating them because they wanted to move states too. i was the only person in the family who hated the idea.

5. To what extent were you able to pursue your interests when you moved? How did this affect your transition? the actual move wasnt so bad.. everything pretty much stayed the same except living arrangements. i had never lived in an apartment or flat before we moved to Sydney..

6. Who did you look to for help in the early stages of the transition? How did your parents try to help you? i didnt look to anyone for help.. i helped myself in trying to feel more comfortable about everything.. i knew no one would understand what i felt so i helped myself

7. What assistance was available to you to aid your transition into the new community? How effective was it? i guess the neighbours and the new kids i met at school.. they helped me fit in in the community

8. How difficult was it for you to fit into the school community initially (as far as friends and schoolwork are concerned)? What do you think was responsible for this? it was difficult because i didnt talk to anyone for awhile but i was probably responsible because i felt like i didnt want new friends

9. How do you feel your self-esteem was affected by the move? i had a very low self esteem after we moved.. i also began to be depressed about everything

10. How do you feel your sense of belonging was affected by the move? (How long did it take for you to feel like you belonged in the community or in a peer group?) i felt like i didnt belong or maybe i just tried to avoid being belonged because it would be a good excuse for me to go back to Perth.. it took me at least a year or until i started high school when it felt like i could belong in the group

11. Do think the move has affected the way you interact with others (family and peers)? How? no but i think it took awhile until i started to interact normally with people

12. Who would you go to first for advice: friends or family? Why? my younger brother.. its only 3 people in my family.. me, my brother and my mum.. i dont feel comfortable talking to my mum because i feel like we lost our bond when we moved but i have always been close to my brother..

13. What was challenging and rewarding about the move? it was challenging to fit in and to feel comfortable around new people but it was rewarding when i made friends.. ive been friends with them for 6 yrs now..

14. Where do you think of as home? home is anywhere as long as im with my family

15. Do you see the moving experience as positive or negative? Why? for me it has been positive because ive been able to open myself up now and ive learnt so much

16. Has the moving experience helped or hindered your personal and academic development? Please explain. its helped because i feel a lot more comfortable in my own skin and i feel more relaxed than before.. my academic development has been the same though..

17. Would you consider moving as an adult? Why/why not? definitely not.. ive had my fair share of moving around already


Trainee Mȯderatȯr
Oct 14, 2006
Age: ___16_ Gender: M

1. Have you moved before your teenage years? Y

2. How many times have you moved as a teenager? 2 Once from NZ to Aus. 2nd time from SA to NSW.

3. What was your initial reaction to finding out about the move? happy and sad first time. Not so happy 2nd time.

4. How were your relationships with your siblings affected by the move? No afffect

5. To what extent were you able to pursue your interests when you moved? How did this affect your transition? Made me more seriosu about my future career

6. Who did you look to for help in the early stages of the transition? How did your parents try to help you?

7. What assistance was available to you to aid your transition into the new community? How effective was it?

8. How difficult was it for you to fit into the school community initially (as far as friends and schoolwork are concerned)? What do you think was responsible for this? 1 st time - quite hard. 2nd time - very easily.

9. How do you feel your self-esteem was affected by the move? It was definatly improved upon.

10. How do you feel your sense of belonging was affected by the move? (How long did it take for you to feel like you belonged in the community or in a peer group?) Thsi was also improved upon.

11. Do think the move has affected the way you interact with others (family and peers)? How?

12. Who would you go to first for advice: friends or family? Why?Neither.

13. What was challenging and rewarding about the move?

14. Where do you think of as home? Australia

15. Do you see the moving experience as positive or negative? Why? Positive. Opens new doors, broadens your knowledge and view.

16. Has the moving experience helped or hindered your personal and academic development? Please explain. Defiantly helped. Betetr school - amde me try much harder.

17. Would you consider moving as an adult? Why/why not? Yes, for furthur study or career. Woudl definatly consider moving overseas for work.


Cheer me up?
Jun 29, 2007
DaniKate said:
Hey guys, for my IRP I'm conducting research into the effects of relocation on a teenager's wellbeing. If you have moved (suburb/town/city/state/country) as a teenager it would be greatly appreciated if you would complete the questionnaire below:

Age: 16 (17 in April)
Gender: M / F

1. Have you moved before your teenage years? Y / N

2. How many times have you moved as a teenager? Where to (change of suburb/city/state/country) and at what age?
moved age 2 months --> house
moved age 6 --> Lithgow (country town) to Wollongong
moved age 7 --> Wollongong to Lithgow
moved age 8 --> house
moved age 10 --> suburb
moved age 14 --> Lithgow to Bathurst (yes, where the 1000 is held)
possibly moving again this year (DURING EXAMS ARGH STRESS)

3. What was your initial reaction to finding out about the move?
The move from Lithgow to Bathurst, I was really quite excited about. I absolutely hated my school in Lithgow, and most - if not all - of the people there. So really, excited - and, of course, nervous. I was scared that I wouldn't fit in in Bathurst any better than I had in Lithgow.

4. How were your relationships with your siblings affected by the move?
No siblings.

5. To what extent were you able to pursue your interests when you moved? How did this affect your transition?
A lot better. The school I was at in Lithgow had a cruddy English department, and English was - is - definitely my strength. At my new school in Bathurst, the English department is excellent. UAI results are also, on average, much higher. I went from being top of my year to being in the top part of my year. I was able to fit in much better.

6. Who did you look to for help in the early stages of the transition? How did your parents try to help you?
Teachers, old friends, new friends - I made friends with a girl in the summer of my move who turned out to be in my year at my new school, so that made things a lot easier - and my parents. My parents are of the 'just go for it' attitude, while I'm a lot - meeker, I suppose, less confrontational - so they couldn't really help me. They sort of stood back and let me fumble my own way through it. I suppose that made me stronger, made me rely on myself to make friends and struggle through those tough first few weeks.

7. What assistance was available to you to aid your transition into the new community? How effective was it?
I had a designated 'Buddy' at my new school. She sort of... okay, well, she abandoned me after the first day - almost the first hour. But others' Buddies were good, and I latched on to one of my friends when she came back - the abovementioned summer holiday friend - and tagged along with her group. So, all in all, my experience could have been better, but I coped.

8. How difficult was it for you to fit into the school community initially (as far as friends and schoolwork are concerned)? What do you think was responsible for this?
It was a little difficult, as year nine is pretty much the year where everyone's friendships are already set in stone and all the groups try to out-bitch each other. I remember a couple of lonely lunchtimes before the girl I sat next to in Maths offered her hand in friendship. I think my own attitude, and the fences-up-we've-been-together-since-pre-school attitudes of the other year nine girls was definitely responsible for my initial difficulty to fit in. It's still difficult at times, two and a half years later - there's always something they've done that I haven't - and sometimes it's like we did in fact grow up together. Day to day, you know?

9. How do you feel your self-esteem was affected by the move?
I think initially it went down, then it definitely rose. I'm far more confident now than I ever was in Lithgow. Of course it went down in the first few weeks/first month, because I just didn't fit in with them. I hadn't gone to the same primary schools, I hadn't done the first two years of high school, the bonding years, with them, I didn't even know the school song or the teachers or anything. Once I learned the rules of the school, and had a few friends; that was when it started to rise.

10. How do you feel your sense of belonging was affected by the move? (How long did it take for you to feel like you belonged in the community or in a peer group?)
It took a few weeks, a few months - a few years, even. Just today, two and a half years after I came to Bathurst, they were talking about something that had happened in primary school, and I was sitting there with a frozen face, thinking 'um, what?'. And a few minutes later, we were all talking about the silly actions to a hymn we'd sung in Mass as children, even me. As I said above, it's day to day, you know?

11. Do think the move has affected the way you interact with others (family and peers)? How?
Yes, it has. I'm more confident in my own abilities now. I remember being a loud, crazy kid in primary school, then when I reached year seven all of that just disappeared. In about year ten I felt craziness come back to me - like slipping on an old pair of shoes. I was so shy at my first high school in Lithgow; even depressed. Once I moved schools, well, it took a while, but I slowly changed back to how I used to be.

12. Who would you go to first for advice: friends or family? Why?
Friends, definitely. My family has always encouraged me to be independent, so I feel sort of uncomfortable asking them for advice. But my friends are usually going through the exact same things that I am, and are in fact asking me for advice at the same time, so it's easier to go to them.

13. What was challenging and rewarding about the move?
Challenging: starting again from scratch, new house, new friends, new town. I knew one person at my new school, so I had an advantage over those who knew none, and it was still challenging.
Rewarding: sorry to say, but starting again from scratch - new house, new friends, new town. New me, really.

14. Where do you think of as home?
Bathurst. Though recently, that's beginning to change, to itch, even... I'm getting the going away to uni bug!

15. Do you see the moving experience as positive or negative? Why?
Positive. I don't miss Lithgow at all. If my father and grandparents didn't live there, I would never go back.

16. Has the moving experience helped or hindered your personal and academic development? Please explain.
Helped. My new school has a far higher standard of academic excellence than my old one, and I'm being pushed to achieve to my very highest potential. My personal development has been helped too, as I've been forced to make all new friends and handle all new situations; sort of like an ultimate test of how well you can cope in a new environment, isn't it?

17. Would you consider moving as an adult? Why/why not?
Well, I'm going away to uni; I'm not staying in Bathurst. Even if I don't get into uni, I'm not staying. I have the travelling bug. I think I will probably move around a bit as an adult. I get restless: since I've lived in Bathurst, I've rearranged my entire bedroom five times, never the same way twice (that's in two and a half years). I think moving so much has permanently shaken up my settling-down-urge. It's not a bad thing, not at all. I'm a free spirit.
Hope this helps. I think I was a bit wordy in places... it's amazing what comes out once you get going.
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