My research topic focuses on the impact of the value of education on communication between teenagers and their parents. Most especially Chinese-Australians from migrant families with strong virtues about education.
However, anyone can complete the questionnaire because it will assist me with my research. Thanks.
Please complete by Wednesday 13th August or sooner if possible. Thursday is the absolute deadline.
Disclaimer: The information you provide will be strictly used for analytical and research purposes. You have the right to your privacy and can refrain from answering any question you deem offensive to yourself. Thank you very much.
1. What is your ethnicity? (please circle) Chinese/Other Asian (Vietnamese, Indian, Korean, Japanese etc.)/Caucasian/Other (please state)
2. What is your age?
3. What is your gender? Male/Female
4. Have your parent(s)[or guardian(s)], in any way or other, influenced your education? (eg. did they convince you to do tutoring, ask you to do homework or study etc.) YES/NO
If you answered no, please skip to question 6.
i) How? (please be as detailed as you can J)
5. Have your parents impacted on your subject selections at school? (eg. did they force you to do certain subjects, help and discussed with you about subject choices etc.) YES/NO
i) How?
6. How easy do you find it to talk to your parents about issues regarding education? (eg. Quitting tutoring, problems with study, failed tests, dropping subjects etc.)
Very Difficult / Hard / Normal / Easy / Very Easy
7. Do you feel pressured by your parents to do well in school? YES/NO
If you answered no, please skip next question.
i) Why?
End of questionnaire. THANKS FOR THE HELP!
However, anyone can complete the questionnaire because it will assist me with my research. Thanks.
Please complete by Wednesday 13th August or sooner if possible. Thursday is the absolute deadline.
Disclaimer: The information you provide will be strictly used for analytical and research purposes. You have the right to your privacy and can refrain from answering any question you deem offensive to yourself. Thank you very much.
1. What is your ethnicity? (please circle) Chinese/Other Asian (Vietnamese, Indian, Korean, Japanese etc.)/Caucasian/Other (please state)
2. What is your age?
3. What is your gender? Male/Female
4. Have your parent(s)[or guardian(s)], in any way or other, influenced your education? (eg. did they convince you to do tutoring, ask you to do homework or study etc.) YES/NO
If you answered no, please skip to question 6.
i) How? (please be as detailed as you can J)
5. Have your parents impacted on your subject selections at school? (eg. did they force you to do certain subjects, help and discussed with you about subject choices etc.) YES/NO
i) How?
6. How easy do you find it to talk to your parents about issues regarding education? (eg. Quitting tutoring, problems with study, failed tests, dropping subjects etc.)
Very Difficult / Hard / Normal / Easy / Very Easy
7. Do you feel pressured by your parents to do well in school? YES/NO
If you answered no, please skip next question.
i) Why?
End of questionnaire. THANKS FOR THE HELP!
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