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Help Me with My CoverLetter (1 Viewer)


Apr 25, 2004
ok so basically i want to try to get an accounting cadetship this year, but i dotn have any experience except some food store expereince and such( notihng to do with accounting). so its hard to put any expereince in the CL. anyway.

what i really would like if someone whos doing a cadetship can send me thiers so i can get soem structure ideas.

thanks in advance so anyway .

please read this and tell me what i should improve. Only detailed commentry please, none of this .... "this is shit all over" , tell me why and where and maybe how to improve.

my Cover letter

Dear Mr. Symons

I am seeking an opportunity to be granted a cadetship with your firm.
My unique mix of previous work experience and currently undertaking a business degree at University of Technology Sydney, and majoring in Accounting, make me an ideal candidate to be given a chance for a Cadetship with your firm.

I hold a lot of interest in the procedures involving taxation and accounting processes entailed within businesses. I enjoy reading-up on issues involving the business world, and keep a close eye on business news. I regularly read the business section of the Sydney Morning Herald and buy latest issue of “Money” magazine. I have gained all round business knowledge all the way through high school and first years of university. I know that the combination of my experience, education, and motivation to excel will make me an asset to your Accounting department.
I will contact you further with a call within the next week.
Thank you for your consideration.
Alexander Mikirtumov


What did the crab do?
Jan 12, 2005
Sydney, Australia
Didn't look at the word doc you've uploaded, so this mightn't apply.

In my opinino you need a little more... um.. something. I had a good website for cover letters... from memory I typed in "cover letter style" into google, or maybe even just "cover letter"... Regardless, there's some basic structure: First paragrpah: that you're applying, where you saw the ad, what date the ad was advertised on. Second & Third paragraph: who you are, why you'd be right for the job.

I don't know about telling him you'll contact him in the week: not doubting it, just I don't know whether that's convention. If I were reading that I'd see you as enthusiastic, but I'd prefer to contact you, rather than the other way around. Definetly don't hesitate in contacting them, but I'm not sure if it needs to be said.

Don't use "I hold a lot of interest" (second paragraph) -- to me the wording seems rather simple. Something like "I am interested in..." does the same thing, flows better and sounds a little less awkward. Don't mention the specific magazines you read -- first off, you're inviting troubles (what if this guy doesn't have a high opinion of either, and even if he does, what if he thinks you should be looking for more?), and beyond that it seems too explicit. Just indicate you take an active interest in the current news and trends of the business world. (On that note, there's a newsletter you can subscribe to at cpaaustralia.com.au.. don't knwo if it's any good: I delete it every week becuase I got conned into subscribing, and haven't gotten round to unsubscribing, but I've got no interest in accounting.. might be another news source for you, which is a little more accounting-specific, and directed at students... (I think?!))

specify the degree you're doing, esp if you're majoring in accounting, or it is an accounting degree, and Link it and your education to the job more. Make the fact you're doing a uni degree a little more intertwined with the reason YOU'RE the one for the job. Start with general business-related stuff, and then hone in on the accounting..

I am currently in my Xth year of studying a XXXXDegree, majoring in XXXX, (or, if you don't know what yu're majoring in, say "condsidering a major in XXX"), and have found the knowledge I have gained to be very interesting and engaging. I have found Accounting to my taste, and am enthusiastic to gain a practical understanding of this field to complement my education.
I like your last line -- it's confident in that you're telling them that you can do it from them, but it should be a closing paragraph. Make it two long sentences, or something.

I know that the combination of my experience, education, and motivation to excel will make me an asset to your Accounting department, and if you're looking for a interested (don't like the word interested, but something to that tune) and dedicated individual to fill this position, who is enthusiastic to learn and develop himself in this field, please take a moment to consider my application.
(that sentence is in two halves... broken at "and if you're looking for...".. the first half of the sentence could be put at the end if you prefered it that way.

Finally, keep in mind that some people read the cover letter first, and then the resume, and other people do it the other way round. You want to sell yourself just as well in both of them, or you'll risk hitting someone who does it the reverse way you expect, and they think you're just another average joe. I'd also try and get some of your existing experience in, even if it's just retail or something, and link it in: retail helps you talk, office work helps you be organised, supermarkets teach you discipline and inspire you to greater things (lol)... etc...

Hope that helps a little!


Apr 25, 2004
I am currently in my Xth year of studying a XXXXDegree, majoring in XXXX, (or, if you don't know what yu're majoring in, say "condsidering a major in XXX"), and have found the knowledge I have gained to be very interesting and engaging. I have found Accounting to my taste, and am enthusiastic to gain a practical understanding of this field to complement my education.

where did u get this from. its good.


Apr 25, 2004
oh sorry and another question.

at the end of the CL do u guys put in a real signiture. becuase its a softcopy , ide just sign a piece of paper and scan it and ad it to my CL. u think thats good?

and i know that saying ill call them sounds bad, but i was reading an example intership CL and this chick sounded much worse ill dig it up for yuos to read. then i read it i thought the chick was abit of a stuck up , over confident ****

how bad does this sounds

I am sure that it would be worthwhile for us to meet. I will contact you within a week to arrange a meeting. Should you have any questions before that time, you may reach me via phone (386-555-2922) or via email (christina@stetson.edu).


What did the crab do?
Jan 12, 2005
Sydney, Australia
Pleasure dude.

SashaTheMan said:
Where did u get this from. its good.
Made it up, but it's a rough template I use in my cover letters

Adrian. said:
That's a link I was looking for to put up, actually

I think it's easy to sound overconfident, but also easy to sound weak -- half the problem is that it's text, and hard to interpret. Makes you appreciate how nice visual/verbal communication is! In the end, just be happy with what you've written... put it up here when you're done, too!


Moderator Jase
Jun 17, 2003
St. Clair
Well, just from looking at your Word document, DON'T use a border. It's bad :p. Also, don't really use colours in your resume either. It's better if its just text based. If you want to use colours then make sure it looks very professional then :).

Your cover letter should be like a summary of your resume, but not really, as in, you should sell yourself in your cover letter. It's like an executive summary in a report, so if you're interested in the report, you read further. It's the same with the cover letter. So you should address the skills required in the job and relate them to yourselves. So you should use keywords like leadership, teamwork, motivation, communication in your cover letter and give some brief examples. If the job is an Accounting job, then any work experience that is relevant and how it relates. You should be able to relate most jobs to the one you're applying for. Just think about it outside of the square.

I have some lecture slides that will help you a fair bit. I PMed you the link.
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