Australian History, Civics and Citizenship (50 marks)
Part A: (20 marks) 20 multiple-choice questions based on nominated topics*
Part B: (5 marks) 12 short answer questions based on nominated topics*
Part C: (25 marks) 23 short-answer questions and one extended response question
drawn from the five Focus Issues as specified on page 22 of the
History syllabus.
* The nominated topics for Parts A and B of the 2004 and 2005 tests are:
Topic 4: Australia and World War II
Topic 6: Social and Political Issues from the 1970s to the 1990s
Australian Geography, Civics and Citizenship (50 marks)
Part A: (20 marks) 20 multiple-choice questions based on geographical tools and
skills, and the four Focus Areas
Part B: (5 marks) 12 short answer questions based on geographical tools and
skills, and the four Focus Areas
Part C: (25 marks) 23 short-answer questions and one extended response question
drawn from the four Focus Areas, and which may include
geographical tools and sk