This thread reminds me of back when I did IPT in 2005.
After the exam, everyone was talking about how easy it was and how they finished ultra early whereas I was writing right up until the last second before pens down. Then on BoS a lot of people were claiming the exam was easy yet I thought it was quite challenging.
I got an SR.
The point is just because others find it easy, doesn't mean they did well or you didn't.
LOL omg I feel exactly like you.

I found the first few questions of section II more challanging than the later questions, mostly becaause it didn't start off like a normal paper. It asked like skills on story board, contents page, then like two databases questions in a row with a weird communication scenario lol
~85% of the communications topic was left out. No error detection, no topologies, no routers/modems descriptions, no NOS, hardly any OSI model stuff. Even for databases, there was no scehmas (ERDs), no decision tables or DFDs, Lol and multimedia like nothing was asked for the calculations (which I haven't seen much of in recent years) or like emerging trends. But the exam comprised with a lot of ethical and social issues which was expected. It was a fair exam, just structured very differently to previous exams imo, in terms of topics they tested. and omg one of the multiple choice, something was telling me the one I was going to pick was right, but I didn't put it

cause I couldn't verify if it was right. I looked at my notes and went OH man 1 mark gone lol
and the context one was weird as well.
Also the 2nd last one I'm pretty sure it was OLAP. OLAP can be used as a tool.
OLAP: "Short for Online Analytical Processing, a category of software tools that provides analysis of data stored in a database. OLAP tools enable users to analyze different dimensions of multidimensional data. For example, it provides time series and trend analysis views. OLAP often is used in data mining."
A what if analysis would take way too long on "very large amounts of data" + I read OLAP is used to analysed hidden trends for data mining, used for marketing of products to specific customers [Target marketing].