for the technology question i talked about
*internet technologies
*communication technologies
*image technologies
*food technologies
*security technologies
I have never seen a question like that before or accessing the impact of technology, it had always been legislation or stuff within the working environment like methods of communication
I found the commercial cookery question quite stock standard but most of my preparation for that question had been related to HACCP precedures so I kind of had to delve into deep memories...and made up some stuff about the problems of deep frying! haha and I also did steaming for that question to contrast heaps the nutritional values
The short answers...during reading time I was hmm theyre all the tougher subjects! But once i started writing it was all right, Im hoping I included enough details and workplace examples
Multiple choice is usually my worst part but i took longer than usual and read them all really well so hopefully no major slip ups
In the end...I think my downfall will probably be in the technology question or not having enough detail/jargon in the CC one....but im hoping quantity makes up for it a little haha
For me, I considered this a harder exam than my trial, the catholic trial and past HSC's...but that may just be because ive been over them so many times :S
Hope you all went well